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Tiêu chuẩn giáo viên giáo dục nghề nghiệp từ ngày 15/10/2023

On August 28, 2023, the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular 07/2023/TT-BLDTBXH regulating standards for professional titles of officials specialized in vocational education (effective from October 15, 2023).

Accordingly, the standards for vocational education teachers are prescribed as follows:

Standards for advanced vocational education teachers

(1) Standards for training and fostering qualifications

– Theory teacher with a doctorate degree; Teachers who teach both theory and practice have a master’s degree or higher and have diplomas, certificates, and certifications that meet vocational skill standards to teach practice at intermediate level according to professional and occupational standards. services of vocational education teachers;

– Have a diploma or certificate that meets the standards of pedagogical qualifications according to professional standards and regulations for vocational education teachers.

(2) Standards of professional and professional capacity

– Have in-depth knowledge of the assigned teaching profession; have knowledge of related industries and occupations; have knowledge of professional practices, scientific and technical advances, and new technologies of the assigned teaching profession;

– Master knowledge of pedagogical skills, proficiently apply pedagogical skills and methods to teaching;

– Have the ability to use foreign languages ​​and apply information technology in performing the duties of the position of senior vocational education teacher according to job position requirements;

– Mastering research methods in educational science, vocational education and technology; know how to organize the implementation of scientific and technological tasks, apply research results, scientific and technical advances or technical innovations and improvements into teaching and professional practice;

– Editor or participate in the compilation of 01 (one) textbook or editor of 01 (one) published monograph suitable for the assigned teaching profession;

– Lead the implementation of 02 (two) grassroots-level science and technology tasks or 01 (one) higher-level science and technology task that has been accepted with satisfactory results or higher or be the author main of 02 (two) scientific articles published in international or domestic scientific journals (in the scoring list of the State Council of Professors);

– Won prizes in the National Teaching Conference or chaired or participated in the design and manufacture of at least 01 (one) teaching aid or equipment that won prizes in the National DIY Equipment Contest or won prizes in competitions , other national-level exams or training at least 01 (one) teacher, lecturer who won an award in the National Teaching Association or training at least 01 (one) learner who won an award in another competition or exam national level or higher or equivalent;

In case an officer does not meet 01 (one) of 03 (three) standards specified in Point d, Point e and Point g, Clause 3, Article 9 of Circular 07/2023/TT-BLDTBXH, then 01 (one) of 02 (two) ) The remaining standards must be 2 (two) times higher;

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– Officials promoted to the position of senior vocational education teacher must have worked for a period of time holding the title of main vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.06 or vocational education teacher level II – Code V.09.02.06 or senior high school teacher – Code 15.112 or equivalent for 06 (six) years or more, of which the most recent time held the title of main vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.06 or vocational education teacher level II – Code V.09.02.06 for at least 01 (one) year (full 12 months).

Vocational education teacher standards from October 15, 2023 (Image from the internet)

Primary vocational education teacher standards

(i) Standards for training and fostering qualifications

– Theory teachers have a master’s degree or higher; Teachers who teach both theory and practice have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree or higher, appropriate to the industry and teaching profession, and have diplomas, certificates, and certifications that meet vocational skills standards. to teach practice at intermediate level according to professional standards and regulations of vocational education teachers;

– Have a diploma or certificate that meets the standards of pedagogical qualifications according to professional standards and regulations for vocational education teachers.

(2) Standards of professional and professional capacity

– Have in-depth knowledge of the assigned teaching profession; have knowledge of related industries and occupations; have knowledge of professional practices, scientific and technical advances, and new technologies of the assigned teaching profession;

– Master knowledge of pedagogical skills, proficiently apply pedagogical skills and methods to teaching;

– Have the ability to use foreign languages ​​and apply information technology in performing the duties of the title of main vocational education teacher according to job position requirements;

– Mastering research methods in educational science, vocational education and technology; know how to organize the implementation of scientific and technological tasks, apply research results, scientific and technical advances or technical innovations and improvements into teaching and professional practice;

– Editor or participate in compiling 01 (one) textbook or 01 (one) monograph or 02 (two) published training and retraining programs suitable to the assigned teaching profession;

– Chair or participate in implementing 01 (one) science and technology task at grassroots level or higher that has been accepted with satisfactory results or higher or be the main author of 01 (one) scientific article published in international or domestic scientific journals (in the scoring list of the State Council of Professors);

– Won a prize in the Provincial Teaching Conference or chaired or participated in the design and manufacture of at least 01 (one) teaching aid or equipment that won a prize in the Provincial DIY Equipment Contest or won a prize in other competitions. , another provincial-level exam, or train at least 01 (one) teacher or lecturer who won an award in a provincial-level Teaching Association or train at least 01 (one) learner who won an award in a competition or exam at another level. province or equivalent or higher;

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In case an officer does not meet 01 (one) of 03 (three) standards specified in Point d, Point e and Point g, Clause 3, Article 10 of Circular 07/2023/TT-BLDTBXH, then 01 (one) of 02 (two) ) The remaining standards must be 2 (two) times higher;

– Officials promoted to the title of main vocational education teacher must have worked for a period of time holding the title of theoretical vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.07 or theoretical vocational education teacher. III – Code V.09.02.07 or practical vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.08 or practical vocational education teacher grade III – Code V.09.02.08 or high school teacher – Code 15.113 or high school teacher (not qualified) – Code 15c.207 or equivalent for 09 (nine) years or more, of which the most recent time was holding the title of theoretical vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.07 or theoretical vocational education teacher grade III – Code V.09.02.07 or practical vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.08 or vocational education teacher Class III practice career – Code V.09.02.08 is at least 01 (one) year (full 12 months).

Standards for theoretical vocational education teachers

(a) Standards for training and retraining qualifications

– Have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree or higher, suitable for the field and teaching profession;

– Have a diploma or certificate that meets the standards of pedagogical qualifications according to professional standards and regulations for vocational education teachers.

(b) Standards of professional capacity and expertise

– Master the knowledge of the assigned teaching profession; have knowledge of related industries and occupations; have knowledge of production and service practices of the industry and profession;

– Master the training objectives, training program content, safety techniques, occupational hygiene of the assigned teaching profession and training plan of the vocational education institution to organize training ;

– Have the ability to use foreign languages ​​and apply information technology in performing the duties of the position of theoretical vocational education teacher according to job position requirements;

– Use teaching aids and teaching equipment effectively and safely; know how to apply information technology to improve teaching effectiveness and training quality;

– Have basic understanding of research methods in educational science, vocational education and technology; have the ability to participate in performing scientific and technological tasks, applying scientific and technical advances or technical innovations and improvements in teaching;

– Officials promoted to the position of theoretical vocational education teacher must have worked for a period of time holding the title of vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.09 or vocational education teacher grade IV – Code No. V.09.02.09 or high school teacher (not qualified) – Code No. 15c.207 or equivalent for 03 (three) years or more, of which the most recent time was holding the title of vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.09 or vocational education teacher grade IV – Code V.09.02.09 is at least 01 (one) year (full 12 months).

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Standards for practical vocational education teachers

* Standards for training and fostering qualifications

– Have a diploma, certificate, or certification that meets vocational skill standards to teach practice at the intermediate level according to professional standards and regulations for vocational education teachers;

– Have a diploma or certificate that meets the standards of pedagogical qualifications according to professional standards and regulations for vocational education teachers.

* Standards of professional and professional capacity

– Master the knowledge of the assigned teaching profession; have knowledge of related industries and professions; have knowledge of production and service practices of the assigned teaching industry;

– Master the training objectives, training program content, safety techniques, occupational hygiene of the assigned teaching profession and training plan of the vocational education institution to organize training ;

– Have the ability to use foreign languages ​​and apply information technology in performing the duties of the position of practical vocational education teacher according to job position requirements;

– Use teaching aids and teaching equipment effectively and safely; know how to apply information technology to improve teaching effectiveness and training quality; know how to manufacture and improve teaching aids and teaching equipment;

– Proficient in the skills of the assigned teaching profession; know how to organize production and service labor in the assigned teaching profession;

– Officials promoted to the position of practical vocational education teacher must have worked for a period of time holding the title of vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.09 or vocational education teacher grade IV – Code No. V.09.02.09 or high school teacher (not yet qualified) – Code No. 15c.207 or equivalent for 03 (three) years or more, of which the most recent time was holding the title of vocational education teacher – Code V.09.02.09 or vocational education teacher grade IV – Code V.09.02.09 is at least 01 (one) year (full 12 months).

Standards for vocational education teachers

– Standards for training and fostering qualifications

+ Have a graduate degree from professional secondary school or vocational secondary school or higher, suitable for the industry or occupation taught, or have a diploma, certificate, or certification that meets vocational skill standards to teach elementary level issued according to professional standards and regulations of vocational education teachers;

+ Have a diploma or certificate that meets the standards of pedagogical qualifications according to the regulations on professional and professional standards for vocational education teachers.

– Standards of professional capacity and professionalism

+ Master the knowledge of the assigned teaching module; Have knowledge of relevant modules of the profession assigned to teach;

+ Understanding of professional practices and mastering occupational safety and hygiene techniques of the assigned teaching profession;

+ Have the ability to use foreign languages ​​and apply information technology in performing the duties of the position of vocational education teacher according to job position requirements;

+ Proficiently perform the vocational skills specified in the assigned teaching module program; Know how to organize production and service labor in the assigned teaching profession.

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